
What is Leadership?

Leadership can be described in many different ways. The definition of leadership is the “ability to lead (” In order to be a leader, it is important that you are able to lead others. Leadership can be classified as a trait, skill and even a behavior. I would like to learn about how effective leadership can help with conquering goals and objectives.

A Vision with Goals

An effective leader should be able to provide a future for their company or organization. In doing this, the leader should have a vision of what they plan on the company to look like. They should also have goals that they want to achieve. It is important that as a leader that you are able to set goals and are able to picture what the company will look like in ten years because it helps you guide others. Leaders should provide guidelines for people under them to follow to help with building and growing the company.

Leaders are who people look up to and are able to go to for advice of what to do or how to do things. It is important that the leader is able to see a head as to where they would like the company to become and be able to put everything in perspective for their followers. If a leader is unable to see what needs to be done, then others can become unsure of exactly what needs to be done. Having a vision is important because the leader will be able to know how to be productive and how to help employees be productive as well. Another reason having a vision is important is so the company will be successful.

Goals are “the result or achievement toward which effort is directed (” Setting goals is very important to any organization and company in order for them to achieve something. It is a great way to help employees and members know what the end product should be. Also it allows them to know what needs to be done and ways of achieving the goals. If you have goals, then you can always make the work atmosphere fun by setting up rewards for the members if they achieve goals. It helps members feel important and at the same time gives them something for their hard work.

Leaders are the ones that lead others in the direction of where they can vision the company going. It is important as a leader to have goals for employees to attain the vision. These two are the key components in a company or organization to become successful.

Styles of Leadership

A good leader has many different qualities. First and foremost, they have to know how to be an effective communicator. Leadership has many different styles and skills. First you have to learn about the three different styles of leadership. They are authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire.

-Authoritarian leadership thinks that people are unable to decide what needs to be done, but instead need guidance. A great example of an authoritarian leader is Adolf Hitler. He answered to no one but tells everyone what they need to do. He was a dictator that lead many people to kill Jews.

-Democratic leadership thinks that people are able to do work on their own without having someone telling them what to do. Franklin D. Roosevelt provides a great example of a democratic leader.He wanted to provide work for the American people and he wanted the economy to get better. He was always concerned about everyone else and what they needed.

-Laissez- faire leadership does not control people and does not try to guide them either. Instead, it ignore workers and their motivations. John Bright was a laissez- faire capitalist that did not like the protection that was given to landholders by laws for the expense of manufacturing. His main goal was the parliamentary reform, which he focused on until the third Reform Bill.